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Population by County in a Spreadsheet - County Demographics

Explore comprehensive county demographic data in a spreadsheet. This dataset provides a list of all U.S. counties with their state. It also has population by county and detailed U.S. Census data by county for age, gender, and race. Explore for free in Row Zero, a 1000x more powerful spreadsheet built for big data.

Open County Demographics Dataset

Dataset Summary

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This spreadsheet includes several different sheets of U.S. county data from the U.S. Census Bureau. County demographic data includes county population by age, gender, and race with both raw counts and percentages. It also includes counts for U.S. Citizens of voting age. county demographic breakdown by race

You can also the county FIPS codes to map county to state, ZIP to county, and filter to a list of ZIP codes by county.
breakdown zip codes by county County FIPS codes are unique 5-digit codes used to identify U.S. counties (and other geographic locations). You can use FIPS county codes to map counties to other location types. The first 2 digits of county FIPS codes are the state FIPS code and the last 3 digits are unique county codes.

The workbook contains multiple sheets:

  • Demographics by County
  • Map County to State
  • Map County to ZIP Code
  • Map ZIP to County
  • Overall U.S. Demographics
  • States

Highlights from the Dataset:

Largest Counties in the U.S.

Top 10 most populated counties in America:

  1. Los Angeles County, California - 9,848,406
  2. Cook County, Illinois - 5,185,812
  3. Harris County, Texas - 4,758,579
  4. Maricopa County, Arizona - 4,491,987
  5. San Diego County, California - 3,282,782
  6. Orange County, California - 3,164,063
  7. Miami-Dade County, Florida - 2,685,296
  8. Kings County, New York - 2,646,306
  9. Dallas County, Texas - 2,603,816
  10. Riverside County, California - 2,449,909

Compare this to the median county population of 25,967 residents. You can also easily filter the spreadsheet to see the largest counties by state.

Oldest Counties in the U.S. (in terms of population)

Several of these are popular counties for retirees.

  1. Sumter County, Florida - median age of 68.4 and 57.8% of the population 65 and older
  2. Catron County, New Mexico - median age of 62.6 and 44.5% of population 65+
  3. Charlotte County, Florida - median age of 60.0 and 40.4% of population 65+
  4. Meagher County, Montana - median age of 59.9 and 34.5% of the population 65+
  5. La Paz County, Arizona - median age of 59.7 and 42.2% of the population 65+
  6. Alcona County, Michigan - median age of 59.7 and 36.2% of the population 65+
  7. Jefferson County, Washington - median age of 59.5 and 39.6% of the population 65+
  8. Northumberland County, Virginia - median age of 59.5 and 37.9% the population 65+
  9. Custer County, Idaho - median age of 59.5 and 36.1% of the population 65+
  10. Ontonagon County, Michigan - median age of 59.4 and 37.8% of the population 65+

Counties with the Most Children (in terms of population)

Compare oldest counties to youngest counties with the highest percent of population under 18

  1. Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska - 41.8% under 18 and a median age of 23.6
  2. Todd County, South Dakota - 39.3% under 18 and a median age of 25.4
  3. Dewey County, South Dakota - 37.6% under 18 and a median age of 27.6
  4. Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska - 37.6% under 18 and a median age of 28.3
  5. Buffalo County, South Dakota - 36.3% under 18 and a median age of 26.2
  6. Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota - 36.1% under 18 and a median age of 27
  7. Sterling County, Texas - 36% under 18 and a median age of 31.4
  8. Oldham County, Texas - 35.8% under 18 and a median age of 32.5
  9. Gaines County, Texas - 35.7% under 18 and a median age of 29.3
  10. Corson County, South Dakota - 35.6% under 18 and a median age of 29.9

Manliest Counties in the U.S. (in terms of population)

Counties with the highest male to female ratio

  1. Forest County, Pennsylvania - 2.44 males to 1 female
  2. Crowley County, Colorado - 2.27 males to 1 female
  3. Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska - 2.27 males to 1 female
  4. West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana - 2.13 males to 1 female
  5. Chattahoochee County, Georgia - 2.01 males to 1 female
  6. Issaquena County, Mississippi - 2.01 males to 1 female
  7. Stewart County, Georgia - 1.95 males to 1 female
  8. Concho County, Texas - 1.91 males to 1 female
  9. Wheeler County, Georgia - 1.87 males to 1 female
  10. Union County, Florida - 1.81 males to 1 female

Use Cases for this Dataset

Row Zero is a powerful spreadsheet built for big data, so you can easily import your data into the spreadsheet (or vice versa) to map your data or just start exploring this comprehensive county dataset with charts and pivot tables. Here are a few common use cases:

  1. Lookup population by county by age, race, and gender.
  2. Rank counties by state by size and percent county breakdown for race, age, and gender.
  3. Enrich your current datasets with county data. You can use XLOOKUP and ZIP to County mapping to enrich addresses with county data. You can also use the list of county FIPS codes to map counties to states or any U.S. geographic level.
  4. Calculate market penetration by county. Measure your user counts or sales by county vs county population counts to see your U.S. county market penetration. You can use the detailed demographic breakdowns to measure more advanced cohorts by gender, age, and race.
  5. Evaluate the diversity of each county by race, gender, and age.

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Data Sources

Data sources for this county demographics dataset include the U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimate tables from the American Community Survey, as well as the U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development. Data has been updated as of February 2025 with the most recent data available.