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Marketing teams

  • Clean and enrich giant datasets
  • Import big CSVs
  • Connect to CRMs and data warehouses
  • Collaborate with the whole team
Row Zero product screenshot

I use Row Zero to prioritize millions of sales leads without needing to learn SQL.

Sean Khoroshin
Sales Manager @ The Secret Sale

Open large data sets

Open lists of prospects and leads no matter the size. Connect directly to CRMs, data warehouses, and other data sources to import and export data directly from systems of record. Open CSVs of any size.

A familiar UI

Clean, transform, de-dupe, and combine lists in a familiar, fast, and easy to use tool. Don't spend time learning a new product or working around rigid constraints. Use a flexible tool you already know and save time.

Ad-hoc analysis

No two tasks are the same. Use a familiar tool that's ready when you need it. The spreadsheet is a versatile tool that can handle any ad-hoc analysis from cleaning, searching, pruning, de-duping, and exporting. Use a tool you can rely on to handle any task.

Automate your work

When spreadsheet functions get too complicated, write a python script to automate data cleanup.

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