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Best Spreadsheet for Marketing Teams

  • 1,000x faster. 1 billion+ rows. Big marketing analytics.
  • Open and edit big CSVs, TXT, parquet, .gz, .zip, etc.
  • Connect to CRMs and data warehouses
  • Build live pivot tables, charts, and models
  • Write Python spreadsheet functions and import modules
  • Ensure security compliance with customer data
  • Collaborate with teams and clients
Row Zero product screenshot

Row Zero allows us to quickly analyze a huge dataset using simple and familiar spreadsheet functions.

Rob Harlow
COO @ Sopro

A Next-Gen Spreadsheet for Marketing Teams

Row Zero is the best spreadsheet for marketing teams that work with big datasets or sensitive customer data. Row Zero offers the experience of traditional spreadsheets like Excel and Google Sheets, but supports billion row spreadsheets (1,000x Excel's limits), connects directly to your data sources, and enables modern security and data governance.

Big data analytics. Familiar tool.

Spreadsheets are the universal BI tool for marketing, but big marketing spreadsheets slow down or crash when they approach the row limits of Excel (1,048,576 rows) and Google Sheets (10 million cells). As the world's fastest and most powerful spreadsheet, Row Zero lets your teams analyze massive datasets. Connect live to your data source and build auto updating pivot tables, charts, reports, etc.

Security and data governance

Row Zero is built for marketing data governance and security. No more ungoverned CSV downloads or locally stored Excel files. Your data never leaves the cloud. Row Zero spreadsheets are SOC2 and HIPAA compliant and are for marketing teams who take customer data protection, security, and privacy compliance seriously. Explore our enterprise security and data governance features.

Collaborate with teams and clients

Collaborate in real-time with shareable spreadsheets and editor/viewer permissions. Use the Follow feature to walk teammates and clients through your marketing analytics and reporting dashboards. Row Zero also makes it easy to share large datasets with teams and clients. No splitting files, zipping, unfamiliar formats, or ungoverned email attachments.

Work with the largest data sets

Open, edit, and analyze big marketing data sets (1+ billion rows). Connect directly to CRMs and data warehouses to import and export marketing data seamlessly. Whether you're working with ecommerce transaction data, website analytics, advertising campaign data, or giant customer lists, Row Zero can power your marketing analytics and data work.

Streamline your martech stack

Row Zero is the best spreadsheet for data-driven marketing teams who do big data analytics but also need the universal familiarity and versatility of spreadsheets. With Row Zero, you can streamline data flow in your organization. Data warehouse to spreadsheet and back. No more add-ons, connectors, or complex tools.

Python in your spreadsheet

When spreadsheet formulas get too complicated, write a custom python function to automate data cleanup, perform tasks, or analyze data. You can also import popular python modules like pandas, numpy, scipy, etc. to supercharge your marketing analytics.

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