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How we verify the correctness of a spreadsheet engine

2024-09-10 // Grant Slatton, Founding Engineer

Spreadsheets are a really interesting software domain, because they have a ton of overlapping features.

What happens if you enter two numbers into two cells, format the numbers as text, merge them into a single cell, copy paste that merged cell somewhere else, then filter that range by dates in a certain year?

The number of feature interactions grows with the square of the number of features. It's not tractable to test them all manually. How can we ensure software quality, then?

We lean heavily on lightweight property-based testing.

Property-based testing

The general form of a property-based test is:

  1. Sample an input from a distribution of possible inputs
  2. Do the operation under test
  3. Compare the result to some tautological properties, or some reference implementation
  4. Repeat a lot of times

There are a few frameworks for doing this. Most can trace their lineage back to Haskell's QuickCheck library. The main thing the frameworks provide is:

  • Auto-generation of simple inputs
  • Input shrinking to try to find minimal cases
  • Deterministic replay of failures

Additionally, there are frameworks such as AWS's Shuttle library that allow for deterministic replay of concurrent execution order to enable testing for multithreaded race conditions. Most of the Row Zero team formerly worked at AWS and used tools like this to formally verify the S3 filesystem.

Verifying a spreadsheet

There are three main kinds of property-based test we use. In decreasing order of verification power, they are:

  • Test against a reference-model for blackbox equality
  • Test against a set of general properties or invariants
  • Test for crashes

Blackbox reference-model testing

Blackbox reference-model testing is the best and most powerful method. This involves testing the real implementation of something against a reference model. Typically, the reference model will be much less efficient than the real one, or lacking some functionality.

An example of this is how we store the values of the cells in the spreadsheet. You could imagine a solution that is just a giant hash table whose key is the cell name, and the value is the contents of that cell. In practice, we do something much more efficient than this, but our optimized implementation should still behave like a simple hash table.

So we can make a test that does random cell inserts, updates, and deletes to the real data structure, and a simple hash table reference. Then, at the end of the test, we compare them to make sure they have the same values in each cell.

Invariant testing

Sometimes, making a reference model would just be as complicated as the real test subject, so it's not feasible to do blackbox reference-model testing.

In these situations, you can often still test for invariants. An invariant is just some property that always must be true in any non-buggy implementation.

For example, in a test that randomly edits values from cells, we can assert the invariant that the number of values in cells must always be less than or equal to the total number of edits we've done.

You can come up with all sorts of invariants like this.

If you only edit cells to contain numbers, you can assert that no cells at the end of the test should contain text. You filter out rows that don't equal some value, you can assert that no cells with that value are visible.

With each invariant, you slice off a chunk of possible bugs. Overlapping a bunch of variants provides surprisingly high coverage. A lot of bugs will manifest in different ways that just happen to overlap with some of the variants you chose some of the time. Enough test iterations, and you'll often find them.

Crash testing

Sometimes, for the most general tests, the only invariant you can assert is that the program doesn't crash. One of the most valuable tests we ever wrote at Row Zero is the one that just takes the top-level spreadsheet interface, and takes completely random actions on it.

Copy paste. Update cell. Double-click drag. Undo. Redo. Filter range. Insert pivot table. Delete all. New sheet. Just every combination of actions imaginable.

Spreadsheets involve tracking a lot of state. Each cell has an evaluation, the raw user input, a format, visibility state, if it's in a merged range, and more. If any of these data structures get out of sync, weird things happen.

We insert test-only assertions all over the codebase to verify things are in sync. If they aren't, the assertion will fail, inducing a crash, and causing this test to fail.

We then inspect the set of random actions that led to the crash to debug the issue. You can find issues this way you would have never thought to create a specific unit test for. Random search is the most scalable solution to find this kind of bug.

Nuts and bolts: diving into some code

Now we'll talk about the actual implementation of these tests.


The general form of a test is:

fn foo_proptest() {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    for action_count in 1..4 {
        for _ in 0..10_000 {
            let seed = rng.gen::<u64>();
            eprintln!("let seed = {seed};");
            let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
            // Set up and run an instance of the test

We don't use a testing framework like the Rust proptest crate. We find we don't get a lot of benefit from frameworks for our use case, and it's easy to get most of the functionality with something like our template above.

Let's break down this template.


The first line is just getting a handle to thread_rng() which is a true random number generator that delegates to something like /dev/urandom.

We use the OS randomness in the outer loop so the test will run differently every time. Some bugs are so rare, you won't hit them every time! It's good to keep changing seeds to increase the surface area you test.

The lack of determinism here may bother some people. But we assert it's better to find the bug late than never at all because a deterministic seed just tests the same cases over and over again.

Most bugs are shallow and get found before they are committed. But sometimes, our CI will find a super subtle bug that was introduced a few commits ago, but it just took more runs to hit. Because these ultra-rare bugs are so absurdly difficult to induce, it's typically the case that no real users would ever get close to triggering them.


The action_count loop dictates the complexity of the test. If we are testing say, our spreadsheet cell value data structure, this line will make us start by just updating 1 cell, then the next loop we'll update 2 cells, then 3, then 4.

These numbers are just picked out of a hat based on intuition on where the bugs probably are in the problem domain. We could just as well do action_count in [3, 11, 99]. But in this case, our intuition is that all cell-update bugs can be triggered with a maximum of 4 actions.

The value in going from low-complexity to high-complexity is you find the simple bugs first. The bugs that require the fewest actions to reproduce. These are the easiest to understand what went wrong, and the easiest to fix.

This is the poor man's version of input shrinking that some property-based testing frameworks provide for you.

With input shrinking, a property-based test that finds a failure will try to "shrink" the failure case by deleting actions, making inputs "smaller" in some way (e.g. smaller numbers, shorter strings), etc.

Our method is to simply do a series of depth-limited searches with increasing depth. The effect is that we will typically find the simplest cases early, and no shrinking is necessary.

In this template, action_count is just a stand-in for any kind of complexity configuration you want. You could make a Config struct with 3 fields, then define 4 instances that increase the complexity of those fields in some way, and then make our outer loop go through those configs in sequence.


The next loop just tries to find a bug 10,000 times. This number can be whatever you want and is reasonable. Some tests that are particularly resource-intensive may only get 100 iterations. Some really fast ones may get a 1,000,000. We usually start with 10,000 and scale it up or down as needed.

Sometimes, upon first implementing a test or feature, I'll set it to an absurdly high number and just leave it running while I go get lunch. I don't commit this number, but it gives additional confidence if a test ran for an hour and didn't find any issues.


Inside the individual test case, you do want determinism. That is, given just the seed, you want to be able to reproduce the test.

So we use our real random number generator to make a seed for a pseudorandom number generator, then our test case uses that to create values and run the test.

We print out the seed to stderr so if the test fails, we can see the exact seed it failed on.

To replay a test, just do let seed: u64 = 12345 or whatever the failing seed is.

The actual test case

This is where you set up your article under test, any reference models, etc. You do some random actions based on the config. Then you assert your invariants or check your model.


Here are some real examples from the Row Zero codebase.

Builtin functions

const N: usize = 2_000;
let mut rng = thread_rng();

for max_arg_count in [3, 8] {
    for max_column_len in [1, 2, 20] {
        for _ in 0..N {
            let seed = rng.gen::<u64>();
            let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(seed);

            let (name, f) = all_builtins().iter().choose(&mut rng).unwrap();

            eprintln!("-----------\nlet seed = {seed}; // {name}");

            let arg_count = rng.gen_range(0..=max_arg_count);
            let column_len = rng.gen_range(0..=max_column_len);

            let mut args = vec![];
            for _ in 0..arg_count {
                args.push(gen_arg(column_len, &mut rng));

This example is where we search for crashes in the implementation of our builtin functions (e.g. SUM, VLOOKUP, etc). We do this by just generating random inputs and sending them into the functions!

You can see rather than a Config object, we just use triple-nested loops to go from low-complexity to high-complexity cases.

This test protects us from weird cases like what happens when you compute IRR on diverging set of values that goes to infinity? Or what happens when you try to multiply two dates together? If the answer is "crash because we didn't expect that", this test will find it.

CSV parsing

let mut rng = thread_rng();

for _ in 0..1000 {
    let seed: u64 = rng.gen();

    eprintln!("let seed: u64 = {};", seed);
    let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(seed);

    let table = gen_table(&mut rng);
    let schema = CsvSchema::gen(&mut rng);
    let csv = schema.encode(&table);

    let state = ImportCsvStateMachine::new(csv.as_ref()).unwrap();
    let parsed = state.finalize().unwrap();

    assert_eq!(table, parsed);

This is more of an invariant-style test. We make a random CSV schema (delimiter, separator, single or double quotes, etc). Then we make a random table of data and encode it with that schema. Then we parse that CSV. We assert that the parsed table is the same as the one we started with!

Handling busted CSVs

let mut rng = thread_rng();

for _ in 0..1000 {
    let seed: u64 = rng.gen();

    eprintln!("let seed: u64 = {};", seed);
    let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(seed);

    let table = gen_table(&mut rng);
    let mut schema = CsvSchema::gen(&mut rng);
    let csv = schema.encode(&table);

    let offset = rng.gen_range(0..csv.len());
    let length = rng.gen_range(0..csv[offset..].len());

    // cut out a random part of the csv
    let csv = format!("{}{}", &csv[..offset], &csv[offset + length..]);

    let state = ImportCsvStateMachine::new(csv.as_ref()).unwrap();


This test is just a crash test. We generate a random CSV, but then cut out some portion of the middle, so now it's likely in a buggy state. Maybe we cut it mid-quote, or mid-line, etc. We just want to verify that our parser doesn't choke and crash on goofy inputs.

We have a bunch of other CSV parser tests that do other mutations, or assert other invariants.

Hidden rows

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for action_count in 1..4 {
    for _ in 0..10_000 {
        let seed = rng.gen::<u64>();

        eprintln!("let seed = {seed};");
        let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
        let mut mock = MockHiddenRows::default();
        let mut real = HiddenRows::default();

        for _ in 0..action_count {

We keep track of which rows are hidden in an optimized structure. But that thing should behave just like a hash set of the rows that are hidden. In this case, we've put that hash set inside the MockHiddenRows object to keep the test readable, but the idea is still the same.


The tests are starting to all look familiar. The template is there in all of them. There's no special magic. Each test is typically between 15 and 100 lines of code. They provide immense value and are among the highest bang-for-your-buck tests you can write.

If you aren't using property-based tests, your application is probably riddled with bugs. At AWS, when we added property-based tests to some legacy code that didn't already have them, we almost always found things to fix.

Randomized property-based tests require minimal maintenance since they operate at the API-level and mostly on always-true invariants instead of implementation details. They are fast to code for the same reason.

Go write some today!