Data Import
Row Zero supports a number of different methods for importing data into a Row Zero spreadsheet. Data imported into Row Zero can be imported straight into cells, like traditional spreadsheets, or into a data table, which are immutable tables that make it easy to work with large, connected data. The following are all the options for importing data into Row Zero.
- File upload
- Snowflake
- Databricks
- Redshift
- Postgres
- S3 - import from link
- Copy/Paste
- S3 - connect bucket
- API - import with python
- BigQuery - coming soon
- API - built-in connections - coming soon
File upload
Row Zero lets you import a variety of file types including CSV, TSV, TXT, Parquet, JSONL, XLSX, .gz and more. From any workbook go to Data > Import file. Row Zero is built for big data and easily handles billion row datasets, letting users open large txt files, big CSVs, large parquet files, etc. Row Zero also lets you open .gz files and automatically will decompress and unzip the .gz file for you.
Copy and paste data from Excel and Google sheets into Row Zero using CTRL+C and CTRL+V commands.
S3 - Connect bucket
The following instructions explain how to create an IAM role in AWS S3 and grant permissions for a Row Zero workbook to connect a specific S3 bucket and ingest data. To begin the process, in the Data menu, select Import from Amazon S3.
You will see a link to the public datasets S3 bucket and a button in the upper right hand corner that says + connect bucket. Click the button to connect a new bucket. The public datasets bucket is available to demo the integration and Row Zero features.
The first step is identifying the bucket name you intend to connect to Row Zero and entering the name in the provided text box. Next, provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To identify the name, follow the instructions below to create an IAM role for Row Zero and grab the ARN from the AWS console. At the top of the screen your Row Zero AWS Account ID and your External ID will be visible. Both will be needed to create the IAM role.
Create an IAM Role
Log in to the AWS Management Console
Select AWS Account
Select Another AWS Account and enter 732940336628 as the account ID
Select Require External Id and enter Your Account ID
Click Next
Select Create Policy (this will open a new tab)
Select the tab that says JSON and replace the text with this:
Click Next: Tags
Click Next: Review
Give the policy a name like 'RowZero-myS3bucket-ReadOnly'
Click Create policy and close this browser tab
On the first browser tab, refresh the list of policies
Search for the policy you just created (e.g. RowZero-myS3bucket-ReadOnly), click the checkbox to its left, and click Next
Give the role a name, like RowZero-myS3bucket-ReadOnly
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Create Role
Click View Role at the top of the screen and copy the role ARN and paste it in the text box at the top of the window. Click Next.
API - Import with python
Use the code window to connect to APIs with Python. Use the code window to write functions that call APIs and return requested data.
- Import package that connects to API
import yfinance
- Write a function that calls the API with a request
def STOCK(ticker): return yfinance.Ticker(ticker).history(period="max")
- Run code window with 'run' button or 'Shift+Enter'
- Use the function STOCK() in any spreadsheet cells to display data frame
Coming soon.
API - Built-in connections
Coming soon.