Create a Pivot Table

Select a location

Row Zero's pivot table feature can be accessed by right clicking on a data table and selecting 'Pivot' from the menu. As you mouse hovers over 'Pivot,' you will be prompted with selecting the location of the pivot table as either a 'New sheet' or the 'Existing sheet.' Selecting 'New sheet' will create a new sheet in the workbook where the pivot table will open. Selecting 'Existing sheet' will pop a modal in which a cell must be selected by clicking or typing. Once selected, the pivot table will originate from the selected cell. Create pivot table
Pivot to existing sheet

Build the pivot table

The pivot table menu will open from the right side of the screen. In the pivot menu select which data is to be used for rows, columns, and values. After the series have been added, aggregations like count, count distinct, first, last, max, mean, median, percentile, standard deviation, and variance can be selected. If the pivot window is closed after clicking off it, simply double click inside the pivot table to re-open the window or click the icon on the right-hand menu. Building a pivot table

Filtering a Pivot Table

Once the pivot table is created, the values within can be filtered by any of the series in the data set using the 'filter' option in the pivot table window. Pivot filter

Graphing a Pivot Table

Row Zero makes it easy to create a pivot chart from a pivot table. Select the columns or the entire table and then click on the graph icon. The graph window will open from the right side of the screen where the graph can be configured. See Row Zero Graphing Instructions for more detail or watch the video below for step-by-step instructions.

Best Pivot Table Features

Explore our 10 best pivot table features or watch the video below to see what you can do with Row Zero's dynamic pivot tables.

New to pivot tables? Check out our guide, What is a Pivot Table? for a simple tutorial and pivot table example.